Kiruna station is located at Salmijärvi, 38 km east of Kiruna, in northern Sweden. It hosts a 15-m antenna, KIR-1, and a 13-m antenna, KIR-2. Both operate in S-band for uplink and downlink and in X-band for downlink.
KIR-2 features autotrack and program track capability in both S- and X-band.
Both antennas provide routine support for satellites in low-Earth orbits (LEO) during their routine phases, and specialised support during the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP).
The site is equipped with a no-break power plant providing electrical power to all mission critical equipment. The station also hosts a Galileo Experimental Sensor Station (GESS) receiver and a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, which deliver continuous data to ESOC.