Malargüe station, DSA 3 (Deep Space Antenna 3), is located 30 km south of the city of Malargüe, about 1200 km west of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It hosts a 35 m-diameter deep-space communications antenna, MLG with X-band transmission and X- and Ka-band reception.
CEB provides daily routine operations or back-up support for a range of deep-space with facilities for tracking, telemetry, telecommand and radiometric measurements (ranging, Doppler, Delta-DOR).
The dish is 35 m in diameter and the entire structure is 40 m high; its moving antenna weighs 610 tonnes. Engineers can move the antenna with a speed of up to 1 degree per second in all axes. The servo control system ensures the highest possible pointing accuracy under the site’s harsh environmental, wind and temperature conditions.