New Norcia station, DSA 1 (Deep Space Antenna 1), is located 140 kilometres north of Perth, Western Australia, close to the town of New Norcia. It hosts a 35-metre deep-space communication antenna, NNO-1 with transmission and reception in both S- and X-band.
The NNO-1 antenna is one of the largest in the world for telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) applications. This is essential for high-performance communications with distant spacecraft, such as Mars Express, and missions in highly elliptical orbits that take them far from Earth, such as Solar Orbiter.
The large antenna allows scientific data collected by deep-space missions such as the former comet explorer Rosetta to be reliably received on Earth, even from distances of up to 900 million kms – more than six times the distance from Earth to the Sun.