Zero Debris Charter

Supporting the Zero Debris Charter

Committing to the Zero Debris Charter

Satellites in orbit underpin our modern lives. But swirling fragments of past space endeavours are trapped in orbit around Earth, threatening our future in space in sharply increasing numbers.

The Zero Debris Charter represents a collaborative effort within the global space community, serving as foundational document and initiative. This community-driven charter covers overarching guiding principles and jointly defined targets to get to Zero Debris by 2030.

Facilitated by ESA’s ‘Protection of Space Assets’ Accelerator and co-developed by 40+ space actors, the Zero Debris Charter was published on 7 November 2023.

It is open for signatures by all entities dreaming of and committing to a Zero Debris future by 2030. Dozens have already signed the Charter and over a hundred organisations have declared their intent to sign, as demonstrated by the list of supporters below. Twelve countries, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom have also already signed the Charter.

ESA is committed to a profound internal transformation of its space debris mitigation and remediation practices through the ESA Zero Debris approach. The Agency aims to stimulate similar endeavours in Europe and beyond, including supporting the Zero Debris Charter and its community.

Join the Zero Debris community

The Zero Debris Charter's community is made up of a wide and varied array of space entities from Europe and beyond, committed to further advancing space safety and sustainability. It includes industrial players of all sizes, government agencies, universities and research centres, international organisations and more.

Together, we develop a precise and common vision of space sustainability for 2030 – combining far-reaching guiding principles and highly ambitious yet realistic technical targets on which to build an ambitious Zero Debris roadmap. 

Register your organisation’s commitment to sign the Zero Debris Charter and be part of driving global space debris mitigation and remediation efforts, shaping a sustainable future in space.

Signatories of the Zero Debris Charter

3S Northumbria Ltd

We at 3S Northumbria Ltd are dedicated to the long-term sustainability of near Earth orbits and to ensuring the benefits of space are available for everyone, forever. By signing the Charter we are committing to further advancing space safety and sustainability and to promoting our desire to collaborate across the space community to develop a truly circular economy for space.

Airbus Defence and Space

Space debris poses a real threat to our industry, with a collision avoidance manoeuvre conducted every 8 minutes. Airbus is playing its part with innovations like the RemoveDEBRIS in-orbit demonstrator and Detumbler technology. Nevertheless, Space is our shared resource and it is only by working together as the entire space community that we truly stand a chance of reaching zero debris in space. Let's work together across our industry to address in-orbit servicing, active debris removal and end-of-life management. Together we can protect our space environment.


Aldoria is committed to supporting European-led efforts for sustainable space operations. Our work extends beyond the tracking and monitoring of space objects for safety; we aspire to elevate standards that guarantee the long-term feasibility of space operations. By uniting the European industry under common goals, this initiative propels the region forward, driving collective progress towards a more sustainable and responsible future in space operations.

Alpine Space Ventures

Alpine Space Ventures, a leading venture capital fund by industry veterans dedicated to the space industry, strongly supports the Zero Debris Charter. Reducing space debris is essential to unlock the immense potential of industrial activities in space and is a vital foundation for a thriving space economy. By advocating for the Zero Debris Charter, we are actively protecting the future of space commerce and its significant impact benefiting life on Earth.

Amazon Project Kuiper

Project Kuiper, Amazon’s low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite broadband network, aims to provide fast, affordable connectivity to tens of millions of customers in unserved and underserved communities around the world. Project Kuiper remains committed to safe space operations and the long-term sustainability of space for future generations, and as members of the Zero Debris Charter, we look forward to working with other Charter members to align targets and objectives with the evolving scientific and technical work.

Association of Space Explorers

ASE supports the “Zero Debris Charter” and the principles, targets and measures formulated herein, i.e. “guiding collective endeavors towards space safety and sustainability,” ESA’s commitment to "collectively contribute to the progressive achievement of … targets for 2030, within its respective abilities and constraints,” and to take action to ensure the functioning of the Charter. ASE pledges to maintain its long-standing support to the larger space traffic management and orbital debris challenge, as it has done so far with the publication of many papers in this regard (see


Space safety and sustainability are at the heart of the mission and goals of ASTAREON. Our current and future technical solutions and services enable to enhance LEO space situational awareness, tracking space objects through their whole lifecycle. Contributing to collective work and thinking with all operators and actors in space about how such data and services can help predicting risks and can be considered for safer space operations must be a priority to preserve our shared orbital resource.
Joining ESA Zero Debris approach by signing Zeros Debris Charter is an obvious commitment for ASTAREON.

Astroscale Ltd

Founded in 2013, Astroscale is developing innovative and scalable solutions across the spectrum of on-orbit servicing, including life extension/refuelling, in-space situational awareness, end of life and active debris removal, to create sustainable space systems and mitigate the growing and hazardous buildup of debris in space. Astroscale is also defining the economics of on-orbit servicing and working with government and commercial stakeholders to develop norms, regulations, and incentives for the responsible use of space.

Austrian Research Promotion Agency

One of FFG's main concerns is to continue promoting Austrian space research in the future. However, there is one threat in particular that will have an impact on the entire space sector should we not take preventive measures: space debris. We know that it has existed for years, which is why it is also targeted in the “Austrian Space Strategy 2030+”, but it is now increasingly coming to the fore. Therefore, it is important for us to participate in international countermeasures. Our signature of ESA’s Zero Debris Charter will take us one step closer to a safer, sustainable space environment.

Avanti Communications

Safeguarding space for future generations is a key element of Avanti Communications’ overall sustainability strategy. This reflects our belief that, given outer space is a global commons, its long-term preservation requires a collective commitment by all space actors to sustainable operations, international cooperation and responsible stewardship. Avanti therefore applauds ESA’s leadership in developing the Zero Debris Charter, is proud to be a founding signatory and looks forward to playing its part in ensuring a sustainable future in space for both current and future generations.

CIRA - Italian Aerospace Research Centre

As a signatory to the charter, CIRA is fully committed to supporting the goals of the Zero Debris Charter and a "Zero Debris Future'', by offering its testing capabilities to qualify technologies and products and by developing and implementing innovative technologies and solutions to reduce the generation of space debris. A design for demise approach and the development of innovative solutions for de-orbiting are current goals of CIRA.


ClearSpace is proud to have contributed to the Zero Debris Charter, reaffirming our commitment to safe and sustainable space activities. The Charter represents a significant step forward, moving beyond existing space debris mitigation practices and paving the way for responsible satellites’ end-of-life management. ClearSpace is devoted to providing in-orbit services that fulfil the Charter’s vision and looks forward to further engagement with the Zero Debris Community.

CS Group

CS is developing and operating for more than 30 years Ground segment and space surveillance software for the whole space industry. With the constant multiplication of orbiting objects, it becomes important for CS to join ESA’s Zero Debris charter to align with our corporate social responsibility objectives to demonstrate our commitment to sustainable and responsible space operations.

D-Orbit S.p.A.

The Zero Debris Charter outlines a roadmap for 2030, fostering collaboration among diverse entities, including industry, government agencies, international organizations, universities, research centers, and nonprofit organizations. This collective effort underlines the urgency need to comply with space safety and sustainability best practices by all actors. D-Orbit, as a benefit corporation who has always valued importance of collaborative action towards the common goal of a safer, and cleaner space, is proud to contribute to and support this groundbreaking effort.

Dawn Aerospace

Dawn Aerospace is a natural partner to the European Space Agency (ESA) Zero Debris Charter through our mission to build a scalable and sustainable space transportation network. Our green propulsion systems enhance collision avoidance capabilities and de-orbiting operations to prevent the proliferation of space debris. The systems use non-toxic propellants, which are safer for humans and the environment. Our commitment to sustainability extends to our spaceplane, which will be the first fully reusable launch vehicle in the world. Dawn Aerospace is glad to join forces with ESA and the Zero Debris Charter partners to promote the safe and sustainable use of outer space.

DLR - German Aerospace Center

The sustainable and safe use of space is a high priority for Germany, as expressed in the national space strategy. Space as a global common must be preserved and protected for future generations. We welcome and support the Zero Debris Charter initiative as an important contribution to establish a community that pursues the same principles and goals for space activities. We firmly believe that only an ambitious and internationally coordinated approach will lead to a solution to the space debris challenge.

DSI Aerospace GmbH

DSI is committed to signing the Zero Debris Charter as part of our mission for a sustainable space environment. This initiative aligns with our core values of responsible space utilization and preservation. By joining this charter, we pledge to actively contribute to the reduction of space debris and promote responsible practices in space activities. Our goal is to ensure that future generations can continue to explore and benefit from space resources without the threat of debris collisions. This commitment reflects our dedication to fostering a cleaner and more sustainable outer space, safeguarding both our assets in orbit and the long-term viability of space exploration.

ESO - European Southern Observatory

ESO promoted the inclusion of protecting dark and quiet skies in the guiding principles of the Zero Debris Charter in order to raise awareness of the responsibilities of space operators. Protecting the dark sky from excess artificial light and minimising unnecessary radio emissions are requirements for conducting world-leading astronomical observations of faint cosmic sources using ground-based observatories. Space debris jeopardises astronomical observations by artificially brightening the sky. As well, spacecraft, including those possibly used for debris mitigation techniques, can produce interference through the unintended reflection or emission of radiation.

ESPI - European Space Policy Institute

ESPI is committed to supporting the Zero Debris Charter as we firmly believe the blend of purpose-driven technology development and policy direction is key to ensuring a safe and sustainable orbital environment. We will continue to offer insights, recommendations, and policy options to address safety, sustainability, and security issues in space, including through the announced Centre of Excellence for Space and Sustainability.


Engaging in space activities requires significant accountability. The measures we take now to mitigate space debris will impact the long-term quality of our space environment and the ability for future generations to further explore it. At Exolaunch, we are honored to be a part of the Zero Debris Charter, as it aligns with our unwavering commitment to responsible space practices. Through our collective effort in this initiative, we unite as a community of responsible actors, driven by the shared goals of ambition, impact, and sustainability to ensure a safe space environment.


GMV has set the global standard for studying, monitoring and preventing the proliferation of space debris. Operating in this field since the late 90s and involved in numerous projects worldwide, GMV’s extensive activity in this area has led the company to align with the urgent and consensus-driven need to address the growing congestion in the space environment and to take urgent and concrete actions to mitigate it. Signing this initiative, GMV renews its commitment to improving and promoting the use of its collision prevention systems and services and develop new solutions to ensure the safety and sustainability of space operations.


As priority number one of highest importance, the Charter needs to become the guideline for all politics that e.g. further space debris must be avoided already by design of the spacecraft BEFORE even putting it on the pad and launching the spacecraft. The Charter is clearly stating Europe’s will to be at the forefront of sustainable Clean Green Space Missions. This is exactly what we stand for, and this motivated us to invest and to become one among the first suppliers of reliable deorbit technology with our TRL9 deployable dragsail ADEO. Our signature on the Zero Debris Charter shall express our full support of the step-by step introduction of respective measures and regulations until reaching finally its goals in 2030.

Infinite Orbits SAS

Infinite Orbits is dedicated to advancing the Zero Debris Charter's objectives through our cutting-edge autonomous Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) and Rendezvous technology. Utilizing vision-based sensors, we are at the forefront of maturing autonomous in-space rendezvous capabilities, crucial for enabling efficient in-orbit services such as satellite Life-Extension and enhanced Space Situational Awareness (SSA). The services offered not only extend the operational lifetimes of satellites, reducing the need for replacements and potential debris generation, but also improve our ability to monitor and manage space debris. Our commitment to these technologies underscores our contribution to a sustainable space environment, aligning with the charter's goal of minimizing space debris.

Slovak Academy of Sciences

The Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences strongly supports the Zero Debris Charter, reflecting our dedicated commitment to sustainable space exploration. Our involvement in developing advanced CCDS Welding technology for in-orbit and lunar applications and our active participation in ADR technology development align closely with the Charter's goals. We are committed to pioneering space manufacturing, assembly, and recycling technologies to reduce space debris and promote a cleaner space environment. This commitment emphasizes our determination to ensure the safety and longevity of space activities, preserving space as a valuable resource for future generations.

IEEC - Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya

The Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) is a leading research and innovation center in space sciences and technologies with over 25 years of experience. The IEEC is contributing to space missions for scientific, technology and NewSpace programmes, and is promoting the generation of cutting-edge knowledge, space commercialisation activities and the growth of the space ecosystem, with particular focus on Catalonia. The IEEC is fully committed to space sustainability, is an active member of the EU SST programme network, and develops technologies and solutions to enable safe and sustainable space activities.


LETO SPACE is committed to promoting sustainable growth and innovation in the space sector. Recognizing the importance of a debris-free space for the safety and long-term sustainability of space activities, we are proud to sign the Zero Debris Charter. This commitment is in line with our values of responsible and sustainable space operations, which guide our consulting and software services. By endorsing this charter, we are dedicated to reducing space debris and supporting the Zero Debris movement, ensuring clean and accessible space for future generations.

Nautilus - Navigation in Space Srl

Nautilus - Navigation in Space, pioneering cost-effective navigation services and flight dynamics solutions for cislunar and deep space missions, proudly aligns with the Zero Debris Charter. Nautilus recognizes the imperative for swiftly actions to prevent the proliferation of space debris in Earth orbit and beyond. By supporting the Charter, Nautilus underscores its dedication to responsible space practices, ensuring a cleaner and safer Solar System for generations to come.

NGO Cosmos for Humanity

Europeans must assume their environmental responsibilities and lead the way towards the sustainable development of space activities. As a first step, this charter will have to be confirmed by acts and completed by a European Union space law that will encourage as much as compel companies operating on the European market to pivot towards sustainable space activities. This path cannot be taken without the support of citizens. By signing this charter, we invoke the principles of the Aarhus Convention and highlight our determination to see the environmental rights of European citizens extended to the preservation of the orbital environment.


At PERSEI Space, we are committed to finding technological solutions for the sustainable use of space. Our hallmark is the innovative space technology referred to as ElectroDynamic Tethers (EDTs). EDTs are in-orbit conductors that can provide drag and thrust without using propellant; effectively serving as de-orbiting devices as well as in-orbit propulsion solutions. In PERSEI Space, as enablers of space technologies applied to post-mission disposal, active debris removal, and in-orbit servicing, we intend to share our insights to foster a more sustainable space sector.


The Zero Debris Charter represents the commitment of the international community to collaborate on the sustainable the use of space. Our contribution to the Charter stems from the very core of OKAPI:Orbits, as one of the first European entities to advocate about the necessity of STM regulations and technology. Use-appropriate orbits are not infinite. Our mission is to keep space accessible for all humanity and the Charter reaffirms our commitment.

Orbit Fab

Orbit Fab is embarking on the effort to deploy refuelling infrastructure in the spirit of enhancing space sustainability and creating net positive impacts where possible. Orbit Fab's commercially available refuelling technology is being used by debris removal providers and helps prevent further debris as there will be less need for single-use satellites. By signing the Zero Debris Charter, Orbit Fab is committed to the common goal of a safer, and more sustainable space.

Orbit Recycling

Orbit Recycling has been working for several years on the concept of space debris recycling and has initiated the public discussion that debris should be considered a valuable space resource. Together with its renowned network of universities and industry partners, valuable information about space debris and how to address the associated problems was gained. Therefore, supporting the Zero Debris Charter was the next natural step for Orbit Recycling.


This initiative aligns with our core values of responsible space utilization and preservation. We are committed to contribute with our technologies to enhance in-orbit servicing, active debris removal and Space Situational Awareness services. Also our new VLEO satellite will avoid further accumulation of space debris. We are glad to join forces with ESA and the other partners to promote the safe and sustainable use of space to preserve the benefits of space for future generations.


The multiplication of satellites orbiting in space has given rise to a crucial concern: space debris. At Safran, we recognize that preserving this infinite space requires a shared responsibility. Over the past ten years, we have invested in cutting-edge technologies designed to reduce the human footprint in extra-atmospheric space. From collision prevention to debris management and even end-of-life satellite removal, we are helping to minimize this impact beyond the Earth's atmosphere. ESA's Zero Debris Charter embodies our commitment to ensuring safe and sustainable access to space.


As the representative organisation of SMEs in Europe's space industry, SME4SPACE fully supports the Zero Debris Approach and Charter. We are deeply aware of the urgent necessity to preserve the orbits and to stimulate the adoption of best practices, sustainable behaviours and suitable technologies allowing us to perform our space activities without compromising the future utilisation and exploitation of the space resources. SMEs will contribute their innovative solutions to this overall European effort.

Space scAvengers

Space scAvengers is committed to ESA's Zero Debris Charter, showcasing our dedication to sustainable space operations. Specializing in autonomous multi-agent spacecraft for in-orbit services, we focus on cooperative GNC of swarms and collaborative perception, with a significant emphasis on Multi-agent ADR. This aligns with ESA's initiative for a debris-free space by 2030. Our pioneering technologies in spacecraft swarm cooperation and ADR significantly contribute to sustainable space activities. Supporting the Zero Debris goals, we position ourselves as future industry leaders in responsible and innovative multi-agent space solutions.


TelePIX is committed to upholding the principles outlined in the Zero Debris Charter, aligning with its central role in fostering a Net Zero Carbon and Debris policy outcome to enhance space sustainability. As an LEO optical payload manufacturer and a Korean company in the Space Tech industry, TelePIX aims to actively contribute to the formulation and achievement of ambitious space debris mitigation and remediation targets by 2030. This commitment underscores our dedication to advancing space safety, sustainability, and international cooperation in the realm of space activities.

Thales Alenia Space

Since the launch of the Zero Debris Charter initiative at the Paris Air Show in June 2023, Thales Alenia Space has been a proud, contributing member of the Zero Debris Community and is now a signatory of the Charter, which has been extremely helpful to: develop a shared consensus among many space actors on a more adequate approach to space safety and sustainability, and to move beyond the existing space debris mitigation and remediation practices, which are no longer responding to the needs of the rapidly evolving space sector.


Way4Space is an innovation and inspiration center dedicated to exploring future uses of space. Our work also focuses on using space for Earth's benefit, with sustainable space utilization as a key element. In 2022, we hosted a symposium on the ethical and responsible uses of space. Our 2023 symposium centered on orbital services, including debris management, highlighting these critical issues. Continuing these efforts, Way4Space is committed to actively promoting sustainable space practices in Europe.

Supporters of the Zero Debris Charter

AICO EDV-Beratung GmbH


First European company to demonstrate Deep Learning algorithms in orbit, AIKO is specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Automation for space applications. Established in 2017 with offices in Italy and France, AIKO has already developed 4 pioneering solutions for both ground and in-orbit operations, securing over 20 contracts with top players and institutions. AIKO's vision is to enhance autonomy for a more sustainable Space. Therefore, it is fully committed to participating in the fight against space debris and promoting space sustainability, aligning with ESA's Zero Debris approach and Charter to achieve a debris-free environment by 2030.

ARCA Dynamics

With a Proprietary Operated Constellation featuring Space-Based On-Board Processing, highly responsive tracking on-demand, and Target Tracking in the dark with RF Detection, ARCA Dynamics is pioneering space security innovation. Our commitment aligns with the Zero Debris Charter community's goal of mitigating space debris by preventing new collisions. By advancing space safety and sustainability, we contribute to a cleaner and safer space environment for future generations.

Asociacion española de derecho aeronáutico y espacial

At the Asociación Española de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial (Spanish Association of Aeronautical and Space Law), we have a team of highly qualified jurists in all matters that affect the activities carried out in outer space and celestial bodies, with special concern for the increase in space debris, which undoubtedly affects space traffic, safety and sustainability around the Earth and beyond. For this reason, we believe that participation in the Zero Debris Charter initiative is essential to raise awareness, both internationally and nationally, of the need to establish rules and commitments to achieve the non-generation of space debris by 2030.

Astros Solutions

The company Astros Solutions s.r.o. is aware of the negative impact of space debris on space and the ground environment. We support all efforts to ensure the safety and long-term sustainability of human space activities. The Zero Debris Charter helps to define and capture challenges related to the space debris population that can lead to the definition of possible solutions.

BHO Legal

As signatories of the Charter, we are going to continue advertising the Charter and providing recommendations to clients on the significance of adherence to the Charter. Overall, we are promoting a high degree of space sustainability in advising our clients from space industry on procurement, R&D or regulatory matters and in preparing studies for public stakeholders on space law and policy.

Bufete Mas y Calvet

Bufete Mas y Calvet provides legal advice to companies and organisations, and specialises in several key areas of the space sector, including the use of outer space, launch contracts, intellectual property, data protection, satellite telecommunications and orbital resource management. In addition, we are committed to addressing the challenge of space debris to ensure the sustainable use of space resources. Our dedication to the industry is reinforced in Spain with the creation of the Spanish Space Agency, which allows us to continue offering quality advice to the European space business community.

CIEE - Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Espaciales

The Interdisciplinary Center for Space Studies (CIEE) is aware of the pressing issue of space debris and its detrimental impact on space exploration and satellite operations. The CIEE is committed to advancing international efforts for sustainable space activities aligned with the goals of the Zero Debris Charter by the ESA. We advocate for stringent regulations and proactive measures to ensure sustainable space exploration. Our participation promises valuable contributions, including policy and regulation recommendations, and collaborative research initiatives. Joining this initiative allows us to share our knowledge, contribute to global space sustainability, and collectively safeguard our celestial environment for future generations.


At DEIMOS, we handle the entire spectrum of Space Surveillance and Tracking systems, from optical observations to processing, cataloguing and services like conjunction avoidance, re-entry planning, and fragmentation analysis. Our pioneering efforts extend to space debris mitigation through initiatives such as removal missions and dedicated re-entry characterization projects. Our commitment to the Zero Debris charter reinforces our dedication to promoting responsible and sustainable practices in space for a debris-free future.


As a space situational awareness company, Digantara is committed to space safety and sustainability. It is building an end-to-end infrastructure for sustainable space operations to help simplify and strengthen satellite operations amid the rapidly expanding commercialisation of space. Digantara upholds the guiding principles of the Zero Debris Charter and seeks to contribute to its functioning through regular exchanges and collaborations with the European Space Agency and other global partners. As a member of the Zero Debris Community, Digantara affirms its role in actively engaging in knowledge exchange and capacity building initiatives towards a safe and sustainable space environment.

EchoStar Corporation

EchoStar has, since the beginning, has had a strong focus on space sustainability as we recognize that space is our shared resource. Only by working together with the entire space community can we reach the goal of zero debris in space. We are pleased to support the Zero Debris Charter. We look forward to working with the space community in this and other forums to protect our space environment.


Ecosmic is committed to advancing space sustainability for a resilient and thriving future. By signing the Charter, we pledge our dedication to responsible space practices, minimizing orbital debris, and fostering international cooperation. We recognize the importance of preserving the outer space environment for future generations, and through this commitment, we aim to contribute to a sustainable and secure space ecosystem, ensuring the long-term viability of space exploration and satellite operations.


As a propulsion company, ENPULSION provides the technical backbone for sustainable space activities. European leadership in Space Diplomacy is crucial for fostering international cooperation and advancing norms of responsible behaviour in outer space. By spearheading such a large-scale initiative in the field, ESA is leading the way towards forging global consensus on Space Sustainability.

Earth and Planetary Institute of Canada

Space debris is a growing concern as more and more satellites are being launched into Earth orbit by governments and the commercial sector around the world. Space debris mitigation and space traffic management are key to sustainability useful orbits around our planet. EPIC is proud to sign the European Space Agency's Zero Debris Charter to affirm our commitment to the responsible utilization of Earth orbit.

EAS - European Astronomical Society

The Charter addresses the escalating risks posed by space debris, outlining guiding principles and ambitious targets, safeguarding both benefits to humanity and space activities. It also recognizes the importance of mitigating the negative impact arising from space debris proliferation on Dark and Quiet Skies, a perspective that aligns with the EAS’s goal of protecting an unfettered access to the sky, for science and society.

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University

For more than a decade, our faculty has focused on space debris research using optical observations. We understand that this population is negatively impacting the surrounding environment, threatening satellite infrastructure and manned flights, and potentially preventing humanity from space exploration. Large object re-entry events are a liability for the population and property on earth. Unwanted reflections of sunlight from space debris are affecting the quality of the night sky. Preventing space debris to be created through the ESA Zero Debris Initiative can be a key element in solving this problem of global reach.


Gama is committed to preserving Space. We already depend on Space for essential services like communication, positioning, earth observation, and increasingly, for crucial climate topics, including monitoring greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation. Gama pledges to uphold the principle of zero debris in space. This commitment reflects our dedication to collaboration and innovation, as well as our work on sustainable space transport and helping spacecraft deorbit efficiently. Space must remain clean and beneficial for current and future generations. Only together can we safeguard this precious shared resource, maintaining its integrity for generations to come.

GATE Space

GATE Space considers space debris mitigation vital for safeguarding Earth's orbital environment. By signing the Zero Debris Charter and by providing accessible, green collision avoidance and de-orbiting solutions to its customers, GATE Space is actively contributing to a more sustainable and safe use of Earth's orbits and a zero debris future.

GHGSat Inc.

GHGSat is rapidly growing its satellite constellation in order to meet global demand for transparent and accurate data on greenhouse gas emissions. However, we are committed to growing our fleet sustainably. This means ensuring that the orbital environment is not degraded and ensuring that space can continue to deliver the services that increasingly underpin everyday life on Earth. These include our ability to monitor and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

HPS Romania

Minutes and hours it takes to lift satellites into space, but years, decades go by before they’re dead in a shower of sparks. Space Debris close to getting out of control; without mitigation measures to be applied to each coming mission it will increase to a level where spaceflight is endangered. The ADEO subsystem is a scalable drag device that uses the Earth atmosphere present in LEO to passively de-orbit satellites. The passive ADEO subsystem requires neither extra propulsion nor engine, which adds the advantage of making it lighter than any active subsystem, deorbiting without GNC within 5 years, compliant with new deorbit regulations.


ICEYE is committed to sustainable use of space and zero debris to ensure the long-term success of the space industry and its continuous benefits for humankind. Owning the world's largest synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite constellation, ICEYE delivers unparalleled monitoring capabilities and objective, near real-time insights, with a vision of improving life on Earth by becoming the global source of truth.


IdeaDuctus stands as an ideal partner for the Zero Debris Charter by ESA due to its core business in designing and implementing regulations, among others, tailored for the creation of a sustainable space environment. Specializing in crafting and implementing robust regulatory frameworks, IdeaDuctus is uniquely positioned to contribute to the Charter's mission. By integrating their expertise, IdeaDuctus ensures not only effective regulation but also the promotion of sustainable space practices. Their commitment to developing regulations that prioritize long-term environmental health aligns seamlessly with ESA's objectives, making IdeaDuctus a pivotal collaborator in fostering responsible, regulated, and sustainable space related activities.

iSEE - Impact Space Expedition and Exploration GmbH

At iSEE, we are convinced that safeguarding the space environment is an absolute necessity for its continued exploration and utilization. The Zero Debris Charta is a pivotal step towards a sustainable future in space. Recognizing this critical importance, we are committed to the Charter's objectives. We do not only see this commitment in the light of our own space activities. In addition, our core mission is to further enhance our technologies for detecting and measuring space debris and to act as enablers, furnishing essential data and analytics to facilitate the achievement of the Zero Debris Charter's objectives.

Infinity Systems Engineering Ltd

International Institute of Air and Space Law

The International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) at Leiden University signs the Zero Debris Charter as a confirmation of its longstanding and continuing commitment to educating students and young professionals from around the world about the importance of transparent, equitable and futureproof space policies and laws, legally binding or not, to address the growing problem of space debris. Its ambition is to encourage and support them in their academic research and future careers to enable them to safeguard the long-term sustainability of space activities.


Kongsberg NanoAvionics

Kongsberg NanoAvionics is committed to sing the Zero Debris Charter, recognizing the significance of a sustainable space environment and our contributing role in ensuring it. As leaders in small satellite manufacturing, we commit to minimizing space debris through responsible technological advancements, reliability of satellites we produce as well as following regulations and best practices for de-orbiting satellites after their lifetime - crucial for the safety and efficacy of numerous satellite applications that intends to improve life on Earth. We eagerly anticipate actively contributing to and upholding the principles of the Charter, jointly achieving 2030 targets.

LIA Aerospace

LIA Aerospace develops non-toxic chemical propulsion systems for in-orbit maneuvers and one of its values is to protect the environment to preserve humanity. Sustainability is engrained in LIA's culture and history, having launched the first rocket in the world to fly with biofuels. But sustainability goes beyond emissions, and LIA seeks to provide solutions to make space more sustainable on all fronts, including space debris.


Since its inception, LMO’s vision has been to enable a Ensuring a Safe & Sustainable Use of Space. As the use of space increase so does the societal dependence on the critical infrastructure we put in space. Unfortunately, this dependence and increased use of space, if not manage properly, leads to an unsustainable accumulation of objects which jeopardizes our main objective. The Zero Debris Charter focuses on reversing this trend and ensuring proper end-of-life disposal, enabling repair and maintenance of our infrastructure, and this is why we support it. As company our focus is to develop those subsystems and capabilities in the field of Space Situational Awareness, Rendezvous & Proximity Operations and Propulsion to provide the key capabilities to monitor, dispose or service anything we send up to space.

Lumi Space

Lumi Space supports the guiding principles, intends to implement and achieve the joint targets and commit our effort and involvement in the functioning of the charter. We are keen to provide the most accurate space surveillance data, through laser ranging, to ensure efficiency and actionability in space traffic management. We also support the Charter goals through our satellite tracking aids, which we see as critical to achieving the joint targets.

Machine Intelligence Zrt

At Machine Intelligence Zrt. we are committed to advancing space sustainability through deep-learning solutions. By signing the Zero Debris Charter, we aim to contribute to the global effort to mitigate space debris with our AI expertise to enable autonomous navigation, collision avoidance, and end-of-life disposal for satellites. Together, we can achieve a sustainable space environment for future generations.

MIRCE Science

MIRCE Science Limited is the birthplace of MIRCE Science theory of the motion of a working system through MIRCE Space, caused by any action whatsoever, used for Managing In-service Reliability, Cost and Effectiveness. Our Space Debris Research Lab studies the mechanisms of motion of functionable space systems through MIRCE Space, to understand, design and manage sustainable space missions regarding: On-Orbit Satellite Servicing, Rendezvous and Docking, Remote Sensing Technologies, Tracking Aids, Deorbit Systems and Orbital Debris Observations. Thus we are committed to reliable and safe space explorations for which signing Zero Debris Charter is professional imperative.


In a space where millions of tiny objects swarm around the Earth in coexistence with several thousand operational satellites, and thousands of satellites planned to be launched in the near future, there is an increasing risk to the safety of manned space missions and operations, and a potential negative impact on the environment and security on our Planet Earth. neXat, as a satellite services provider, is very aware of the risk of a domino effect, and is committed to taking an active action to mitigate this nefarious scenario by relating to satellite operators that provide clear guidelines about their space debris mitigation policy


The issue of space sustainability is gaining increasing attention as our actions - on the ground, in orbit and beyond - have long term environmental, social and economic impact. Niparo’s vision is to “Make Space Work for Everyone”; we believe that there is no point in offering space solutions unless we do this in a sustainable, equitable and just manner. We are going back to the Moon, to Mars and onto the stars. The only question is, how do we do this ethically and sustainably? For these motivations, Niparo is delighted to sign the Zero Debris Charter.

NorthStar Earth & Space Inc.

NorthStar’s commercial, space-based SSA service delivers “always on” continuous monitoring of resident space objects (RSO’s) in near-Earth LEO, MEO, and GEO. NorthStar’s unique services combine data from its dedicated SSA satellites with various data sources to deliver precise and timely information for Space Domain Awareness and Space Traffic Management applications.

OrbitAID Aerospace Pvt Ltd

OrbitAID Aerospace Pvt Ltd. is honored to declare our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship in space operations through the signing of the Zero Debris Charter. As industry pioneers in on-orbit refueling, we acknowledge the critical role this technology plays in ensuring satellite longevity. This Charter signifies our steadfast dedication to responsible space practices and collaborative endeavors aimed at minimizing space debris. OrbitAID is resolute in its mission to guarantee the sustainability of space activities and mitigate collision risks. With this initiative, we actively contribute to shaping a Zero Debris future, fostering a safer orbital environment for all.

Outer Space Institute

The Zero Debris Charter recognizes that there are multiple, interconnected challenges in humanity’s use of outer space, which urgently need to be addressed. The Outer Space Institute is a global transdisciplinary network of researchers committed to addressing such grand challenges, including space debris, reentry casualty risks, atmospheric pollution, orbital light and spectrum pollution, the avoidance of armed conflict, and more. The Outer Space Institute is pleased to support the Zero Debris Charter.


By embracing the Zero Debris Charter, Re CAE reaffirms its mission to advocate for sustainable practices in the realm of space activities. We commit to taking the lead in responsible navigation and offering access to a wide range of tools that are specifically designed to mitigate risks associated with space operations. In doing so, we envision a future where innovation harmonizes with responsible space practices, ensuring a sustainable and secure space access for generations to come.

Royal Astronomical Society

The Royal Astronomical Society is committed to sustainability in astronomy, space science and geophysics, the sciences we represent. We recognise the impact of space debris on safe operations in space and on the terrestrial environment, and that this should be minimised. We also welcome the commitment in the Charter to protect dark and quiet skies, a key concern for astronomers as more large satellite constellations are deployed in Low-Earth Orbit. For these reasons we are happy to support ESA’s Zero Debris Charter and its targets.

Secure World Foundation

The Secure World Foundation is proud to be a signatory of the European Space Agency’s “ZeroDebris Charter: Towards a Safe & Sustainable Space Environment.” We see it as a step forward in increasing space safety and sustainability thanks to its identification of guiding principles and definition of quantifiable targets. Given that the Secure World Foundation strives to promote cooperative solutions for space sustainability, this collaborative effort to ensure that space is accessible to all over the long term is something that we have been honored to support. We encourage all others who are committed to space safety and sustainability to sign and implement this Charter as well.

Sener Aeroespacial, S.A.

SENER Aerospace & Defence, as a pioneer company in the design of satellites technology and equipment for space, is committed to the long-term sustainability of the space environment as a moral responsibility in benefit of the future generations. SENER is resolved to contribute with its expertise and technological excellence to the collaborative efforts towards the zero debris targets for 2030 and beyond. In particular, and among other areas, SENER is a leading company in space mechanism, as well as in Rendezvous and GNC, which are key for the future services needed for the remediation and mitigation of the space debris.


Sensmetry’s team strives to contribute to making the Earth’s orbits cleaner by developing technologies enabling reliable and safe satellite systems. The goal of a sustainable development of space surrounding the Earth is well reflected in Sensmetry’s vision and mission. Specialising in rigorous system reliability analysis, mission assurance, and real-time risk management, Sensmetry minimises space systems failures and faults, thus directly contributing to space debris prevention.


Skypuzzler's dedication to international collaboration in space endeavours is evident through its endorsement of the charter. This commitment harmonizes with worldwide initiatives to tackle space debris and promote conscientious conduct in space operations. For Skypuzzler, signing the ESA Zero Debris Charter is imperative. It represents a pivotal stride towards securing the enduring sustainability of space activities, mitigating risks, and nurturing responsible conduct in the space domain. Among the escalating congestion of satellites and debris in space, prioritizing practices that advocate sustainability and prudent utilization of this celestial realm is paramount.


SONACA has has been at the forefront of the space sector, with activities in Belgium, Romania, Canada, and the USA since the 80's. We developed advanced structures and subsystems for satellites, launchers, and space vehicles. Sustainability being one of SONACA's core values, we develop sustainable products. Hence, SONACA has been actively exploring technical and operational solutions, recently starting a publicly-funded study to recycle debris in orbit.

Space Analyses GmbH

Every object in space is a risk-maker, even more if it is a space debris. Space Analyses fully supports the goal to design and operate any space activity in the way to leave no space object in orbit as long as is not used for the active space mission.

Space Applications Services NV/SA

A sustainable future for humankind in space requires a global and collective effort to keep it clean. As a leading provider of solutions and technologies for space exploration, we grasp the critical importance of preserving our orbital environment. Through advocacy for responsible space practices and the development of innovative debris mitigation solutions, we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and longevity of space exploration for generations to come.

Space Forge

Space Forge’s goal is to make space work for humanity, we are committed to ensuring that the space environment and earth’s environment is maintained, sustained and passed on to the next generations to support a better future for both humanity and the planet. We support the charter as it aligns with and makes those goals one step closer to being realised.

Space Sustainability Rating

The Space Sustainability Rating welcomes the Zero Debris Charter and is honoured to have been a part of its elaboration since the beginning. We believe in the collective responsibility to ensure the safety and sustainability of both space and Earth for future generations. The inclusive approach and ambitious targets are vital for addressing challenges brought about by the new opportunities in the space sector. The Zero Debris Charter represents a significant global commitment to design and operate sustainable missions, implement best practices, and develop performance indicators to achieve targets, marking a crucial step towards a sustainable space future.

Spaceflight Institute

At Spaceflight Institute, our commitment to shaping the next generation of commercial astronauts goes beyond knowledge transfer, skills development, and training. We aspire to instill a profound sense of sustainability in our learners. Signing ESA's Zero Debris Charter aligns with our mission to prepare future space professionals. We believe that embracing initiatives for space protection is crucial to making space accessible to a broader audience. As we anticipate new opportunities in the future of space exploration, supporting initiatives that promote responsible practices becomes paramount. Our dedication to sustainability is an integral part of cultivating a thriving and accessible space environment for generations to come.


SpaceLocker's mission is to simplify access to space missions, while making them more sustainable thanks to satellite-sharing and in-orbit servicing. Therefore, this charter is evidence for us, and we are convinced that our shared missions services are an essential building block in making it a reality.


Regarding our intent to sign the Charter, we believe in the importance of sustainable space activities and are committed to contributing to a Zero Debris future. We recognize the critical need to address space debris, which poses a significant threat to current and future space operations. Our organisation is dedicated to being a part of this pivotal movement, ensuring the longevity and safety of space exploration and activities.

SPAICE Technology Ltd

Spaice is developing a robotic kit to enable players in the satellite industry to access in-orbit services and debris removal at scale for any satellite. By signing the charter, Spaice reaffirms its mission to achieve self-sustaining orbits through a generalizable technology that utilizes AI. This technology can identify any satellite, autonomously navigate to it, and perform robotic operations to extend its life or ensure its proper disposal, thereby contributing to the safety of orbits.

Sustain Space Ltd

Sustain Space will be signing the Charter, as we see this as a cornerstone of the future of sustainable operations in space. Our vision is to create a space industry that can be proud of its sustainable credentials and the Zero Debris Charter is the banner under which we can all congregate. We look forward to working with ESA and the wider community toward the shared goals of sustainability in space.

Sybilla Technologies

Sybilla Technologies mission is to support space exploration and Zero Debris Charter is an important step in the direction of long term, sustainable, fair, and safe usage of space. Earth's orbit is a limited resource which cannot become a threat or bottleneck for the human and robotic spaceflight. Transparent, ambitious rules and goals are needed not only to guide the growing space traffic but also to spur new industries and ideas on how to limit, remove waste, increase recycling and fair competitiveness.

Telespazio SpA

The growing number of space objects is posing a risk to human development, due to our ever-increasing dependence on space technologies. Based on Telespazio experience in space operations and space domain awareness, we recognize the importance and need to adopt a sustainable approach in the use of space. Therefore, we are proud to join this Charter to support and promote collaborative actions with space sector communities to preserve and secure the use of space now and in the future.


As TERMA, we work towards a zero debris future, we commend the efforts of those committed to space safety and sustainability. By supporting the European Space Agency's goal of ending space debris by 2030, our company collectively contribute to a safer space environment from the way we design our flight hardware to surveillance systems. Our commitment to ambitious and measurable targets aligns with existing multilateral efforts, ensuring our proactive involvement in a crucial cause. Together, we can lead by example and set a standard for responsible space activities.


There is a proliferation of new LEO satellites constellations to address the largest opportunity in the history of satcom: Direct Device-To-Satellite connectivity services. With its breakthrough connectivity technology, TERNWAVES can offer permanent and massive Direct Device-To-Satellites connectivity services while reusing GEO satellites already in orbit. This innovative approach not only contributes to limit the debris in space but it also results in an ultra-competitiveness in terms of cost and time to market.

ThinkTank Maths Limited

ThinkTank Maths Limited develops Space apps and models for greater precision in Space Traffic Coordination (STC) and Space Situation Awareness (SSA). Our Precision Space apps and models are relevant to collision-avoidance, safe removal and re-servicing of satellites in line with ESA’s Zero Debris Charter. We strive to take 'space maths' a few steps further to contribute to a safe, secure and sustainable development of Space. Many of the models and calculations currently performed are outdated and have their limits when it comes to dealing with an increasingly crowded near-Earth Space forecast to exceed +70,000 satellites in the next 5 years.


This initiative aligns with our core values of responsible space utilization and preservation. We are committed to contribute with our technologies to enhance in-orbit servicing, active debris removal and Space Situational Awareness services. Also our new VLEO satellite will avoid further accumulation of space debris. We are glad to join forces with ESA and the other partners to promote the safe and sustainable use of space to preserve the benefits of space for future generations.