Designed at ESA, proven across Europe
In partnership with European space industry, ESA designs, develops and maintains some of Europe’s leading mission operations and control system software.
These software systems are used to carry out satellite control, mission preparation, simulation, validation, ground station control and management, and space safety risk assessment and mitigation.
Through the development of generic and flexible software packages across these domains, ESA enables European industry in two key ways. Firstly, by making the resultant software packages freely available to license, ESA helps industry minimise the development time and costs associated with preparing and running an operations segment. Secondly, the industrial partners that develop this software alongside ESA acquire new expertise that ensure their competitive edge.
New software systems
With a view to the future needs of European space industry, ESA is developing new software systems to provide the core of the next generation of European mission operations software. These include:
- EGOS-CC – The adoption at ESOC of the European Ground Systems Common Core (EGS-CC) though the development of a new generation of mission control system infrastructure
- OPEN – Flexible software framework supporting the preparation of tailoring data for EGOS-CC
- SIMULUS-NG – Next generation simulation framework based on an evolution of the SIMULUS satellite simulator framework
- GODOT – Next generation Flight Dynamics framework for performing orbit related computations for estimation, optimization and analysis of orbits for mission analysis and in-flight operations
These systems and others and will be added to this page once complete and available for licensing.
Software Licensing
Many ESA-owned intellectual property rights (IPR) assets are made available to the ESA’s Member States academic and commercial entities, through different licensing schemes.
A full list of ESA licensable applications including and beyond Operational Software can be found at the European Space Software Repository.
Starting recently, more and more Operational Software is being made available under ESA Community License and ESA Public License, in an effort to make it as simple as possible for any ESA Member State organization to make use of these applications.
Assets licensed under these terms are typically made available in either CODEV or in ESA's GitHub. Feel free to join these fast-growing communities and help shape European space!
A list of some of ESA’s Operational Software available can be found below. Hover over each tile for a description and access. You can contact us through the request form for other software products:

Operational Software Systems
ESA Mission Control System Infrastructure
The ESA Mission Control System Infrastructure, including SCOS-2000® and its ancillary applications. Available under ESA Software Community License here.
ESA Simulation Infrastructure
Includes a satellite simulator kernel (SIMSAT) and a set of models to simulate aspects of the satellite environment. Available under ESA Software Community License here.
ESA Operations Preparation Infrastructure
Next-generation Operations Tailoring Systems for European Ground Systems Common Core (EGS-CC) based Data Systems. Available under ESA Software Community License here.
Community for astrodynamics projects
An extensible project suite built around GODOT C++, GODOT PY and GENEOS, astrodynamics projects used for analysis and operations of space missions. Available under ESA Software Community License here.
EGOS User Desktop
The EGOS User Desktop, providing a generic user interface that can be used by all EGOS applications. Available under ESA Software Community License here.
For use by programs implementing SLE
An API intended for use by application programs implementing SLE (Space Link Extension) Services. Available under ESA Software Community License here.
Ground segment implementation
Ground segment implementation of the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol.
Portable navigation software
Portable navigation software for earth-orbiting satellite missions.
Space Debris Software Products
Space debris modelling, prediction, conjunction, re-entry and risks analysis systems.